Dreams vs excuses

Dreams weigh more than excuses, we all have excuses they feel remarkable to each one of us, but however we all deal with the same core excuses in our life which never can be helped to go ahead with our dreams. Every person has their own dreams which they want to accomplish in their life.  

excuses are imaginary or nonexistent divider/wall remaining among you and your dreams. They just keep you behind or away from following your dreams

because the more real your excuses appear, the more onto something meaningful.

while chasing your dreams you should have to face some obstacle in the name of excuses 

But you have to say “Yes” and you need to follow your dreams.


if you're following your dreams there shouldn't be any complaints or excuses about that it will bring some attention, even from the negativity and haters but you will have to feel strong as you can prove wrong to haters.  

There may be a lot of reasons why we say “no” to our dreams which we can say excuses for.  

If you are a dreamer then you should have to say “yes” to every opportunity in your life.

But inversely there will be some kind of excuses against your dream

There may be the following reasons or so common excuses.


1. I Don’t Have Time

2. I Don’t Have enough Money

3. I Don’t Know How

4. I’m Afraid It’s too risky

5. It Won’t Work/It’s too late

6. I’m Not Good Enough for that

7.What About My Family, and responsibility and so on for more personal reasons.


when you are using because of any anything that is the excuses but it should not end with the "because" 

Dreams make you make changes or challenges, But those challenges help you step out from your comfort zone and bring more opportunity   


simply you have to start from thereof because of that reason I want to accomplish it. we should have a value of that work 

Individuals who follow their dreams are doers. Doers have more capacity to make, impact, and change their current circumstance… and in the end the world.

You don’t have to think more about doing perhaps you just need to implement on that think 

1. I don't have time- This common answer comes when you ask people to do something about their dreams. I don’t have time for doing extra things in my everyday life. I'm already stocked with personal or professional things. No one has the time today. We all have managed it because all the people who live in this world have the same amount of time after that why? Some of them are successful because they have used their time sufficiently with time management. 

2  I don't have enough money-Many people leap to this end without sitting down or working out precisely what "enough" cash implies in the figure.

regardless of whether that figure is far from this moment, that is no motivation to stop it. When you have an exact figure in mind, There are many ways to start. Initially you're in a better situation to work on the figure, whether through saving, investing it, and taking on more work or through decreasing liabilities.


3.I Don’t Know How/when to start -  when someone is trying to make this easier people say I don't have that skill which can help me where to start or when to start. This is the reason our dreams stay dreams is that they are a large activity overwhelming to begin. 

You can easily start making a start with the initial stage of your plan and learn more about that and you will get idea’s more about that.

4. I’m Afraid It’s too risky- Fear of loss has many people losing their money and time and no one wants to go through that, if you are starting something you just practice it before and learn more about that. Then start again, sometimes people fail because they are afraid of an incident that happened in the past and lose hope to stand over again. But take the past as an experience to do better in the future. 

5.It Won’t Work/It’s too late- some people have excuses like what happens if it did not work most of them would say that “it didn’t work out.” actually they are not aware of the work and do not want to perceive it. 

All things considered, at that point you'll manage it, and you'll get more grounded, more certain, and more skilled than you were before you attempted this new bearing. 

But I trust it did – I utilize each and every instrument and technique that I learned in my treatment preparing in my instructing, composing, talking, and preparing work about the idea.

6. I’m Not Good Enough for that-  Most of the people are unskilled about the idea’s and unaware about that and they just compare themselves to other people later that they would say I'm not good enough to do this task and most of them are just doing better things before also. But they don't believe they can do that also. we should never compare ourselves with others once because maybe you have something better from that person you are comparing with. 

7.What About My Family, friends, and responsibilities-  Before doing new in our life we just think about our family and personal responsibilities, Both are important in our life, In the event of that you give up your dreams for your family, at the point, you could not be happy and likewise if you surrender your family for your dreams your life may become hartley, a common have the same situation if he goes with any one of the options. At all, you have to live your dreams with your family and be supported by them. Sometimes we go moral down because of what people say about them, people will ignore us.   

This does not end with the excuses of the people, they just have their own problem in which they are looking for the problem only, they should have to go with the solution of that problem this is the way in that you can achieve your dreams or goal of your life. 

Conclusion -  If you want to accomplish your dreams then you have to be saying “YES” to every opportunity in your life. Saying  “yes’ cannot change your life we all have to take the action according to the requirement of the opportunity. We should have to manage all the things which are required to accomplish our dreams and some excuses can not change your life at all. Your dream is all about winning your excuses, which can never help you to follow your dreams. 

If you want to achieve something in your life in 2021 stop being excuses.

You deserve more than you expect, now this your time and you have to be ready for itπŸ˜€.

best of luck for your dreams.

Stop making excuses 

Follow your dreams


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